"Whip" was a man's horse from head to tail; 16.2hd, dark chestnut and extremely proud. Always a gentlemen who'd take care of a lady. Whip was all business. He was 19yrs old, the same age Wulffe was when I first got him.  Some might consider 19 old, but Whip was NEVER old!

Whip had never been sick a day, ever! . . . not until that night.  When Jeanie returned home that evening from work she saw he tried to lay down a couple times. That was so unlike Whip! Jeanie reached for the phone and called the vet immediately!  Things got progressively worst.  By the time the vet arrived, Whip was down thrashing! John struggled to get Whip up to walk. Turned out Whip had an impaction that erupted.

The Vet had to put Whip down. He said he wasn't leaving until they made the decision to put him down because he knew Whip wouldn't make it thru the night. It was just so unexpected!  His death really broke John's heart! Whip was his first horse & he did everything John wanted. WHIP was also the special kind of horse any man would be proud to ride. Jeanie was upset too, but it was John's first horse and they were very close.  John had been so busy with work the past year he hadn't ridden at all.

I was lucky enough to ride Whip & get to know him.  He was a very special horse! I started riding WHIP while Jeanie rode Jazzy, early last August. We rode almost every weekend afterwards.

He was a very big powerful horse, all business and very fast! I had to work all the time to keep him calm and going slow. But, he took care of me on the rides... if he acted up and scared me, all I had to say was "Please Whip" and lo and behold, he'd calm down and do what I asked! Unbelievable!  I don't think I'd ever experienced that reaction in a horse before.... I always heard allot about Whip. I'm just glad I had the opportunity to get to know him.

I think it gave John pleasure seeing Whip get exercised. BUT one day, after Jeanie and I and our friend Angela returned from a long ride, we asked how long we'd been out? Everyone shrugged. We knew it was long, but, we had so much fun none of us bothered to check a watch.  Suddenly we heard a loud "2 HOURS & 14 MINUTES"!  It was Jeanie's husband John! He'd been watching the clock. He he

We all laughed so hard! Asked if he missed riding, he replied "NO" (yeah, right!) We asked "not even a little bit?"   He finally fessed, he did miss riding WHIP! You bet he did! He'd been watching the clock! He he We all knew he was missing riding a lot more then he'd admit. I think it was the next week, he hopped on Whip and joined Jeanie for a weekend ride. They had fun! Sure glad they did! Little did they know Whip would be gone several weeks later.

What a reminder: Make the most of every moment, because you never know. . . you just never know.


Jazzy took Whip's death hard.  He'd stand for hours on the same spot where Whip first fell down. Jeanie was heartsick seeing him mourn. I offered to move Eclipse to her house to keep Jazzy company until they got another horse for John. Eclipse never got over Wulffe's death 5 months earlier so this might be healing for him too,

God Bless Angela, she brought her 4 horse trailer to pick up Eclipse. I think he loaded find, but, as I've said before, Eclipse has never had an uneventful trailer ride.  Sure enough, as they pulled out of our driveway the trailer dipped into the ditch and right out again but I'm sure it was a jolt to Eclipse. I wished I could've been in the trailer with him just to assure him everything was going to be OK.

Arriving at Jeanie's we opened the trailer to find one soaking wet Eclipse. He looked like someone had just given him a bath and hadn't squeegee him off yet.  He'd been so nervous he sweated enough to create an actual puddle beneath him.  Poor Baby.

We decided to go for a trail ride so the horses could get to know each other under friendly circumstances.   We had a peaceful ride.  On the way home, as we approached Jeanie's driveway, Eclipse turned away in the opposite direction and started walking across the street toward the neighbour's across the way; in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION of Jeanie's house and the trailer.  He he I think he's telling me he'd rather walk all the way home then get back on any trailer.

Just spoke with Jeanie. AS we're talking, she's describing what's going on outside her window: Eclipse & Jazzy are having a ball galloping in the field. They're using up the entire pasture running. She doesn't care if they're tearing up the pastures, she's just glad to see them having fun!

"Jazzy" runs with Eclipse! Sometimes he even hangs his head over Eclipse's back as they're galloping. Can you picture that? For the first time in his life Eclipse is looked up to; He's head honcho, he is the boss   Of course, with his Heart of Gold I'm certain he's a merciful ruler. He he

Jazzy is as playful as Eclipse is, so there is lots & lots of love twirling around that pasture! My heart fills with Joy every time I think about how much Eclipse is enjoying himself! She said if Eclipse stops & puts his head down to smell something, Jazzy does too. Whatever Eclipse does; Jazzy does. Jazzy imitates everything Eclipse does!  Sounds just like Eclipse & Shetan.

When Jeanie leaves the barn after feeding dinner, Eclipse follows her looking for his treat BUT, Jazz stands behind and waits .... Sound familiar?  Just like Shetan & Eclipse, huh? Jazz nips @Eclipse to make him play,  Just like Eclipse & Shetan, huh? Years ago, a guy from one of the stables I boarded at said that when Eclipse grows up he wants to be Shetan.

I truly believe Love is Healing and if any animal on this earth deserves an abundance of Love its Eclipse! He has such a Heart of GOLD.

God Bless Eclipse. He got his wish!

This morning I suggested we setup a web cam so we could both watch what goes on in the pasture; me from home and Jeanie from work. Boy! wouldn't that be fun!  I don't know if that's even possible, or how it works, but if people can do it in their living room, why not out a window?  Of course, first Jeanie needs to get a computer.... *big smile*

She's is going to look at a couple horses today. So, If its meant to be, it'll be. I'll just pray Eclipse enjoys every minute while he's there and when its time to return there'll be something better in store for Eclipse back at home.

Well, That's my horse report for today, hope you enjoyed it. Gotta run, but, will look later for some pictures of Eclipse & Jazzy to send.

Updated: 21-Jan-2011