~ Eclipse's pictures to go in this slide show ~

2007 EMAILS after Eclipse passed away: re: the 2004 La Barn Hotel week:

Sept.6, 2007 email from cousin Donna Okay, I'm now bawling my eyes out.  It was hard to look at Eclipse without thinking of all the funny, adorable things he did that week at the barn.   Do you remember how upset he was when we didn't take him out the first day and the second day he walked right into the barn and stood in the very spot that Wulffe had been in to get groomed.  

Eclipse was giving us a loud and clear message.  "It's my turn today!"  He was very much in tune with feelings.....and so was Wulffe.  I wonder why your horses are so much like dogs and are so close to you.  Guess, it's the way they were raised by you and the amount of time you bonded with them all. I've never seen any horses behave that way before.  

It was just incredible to watch.  
I'm sure you miss him dreadfully.   As you said, he touched many lives during his time with you. let's stay in touch.   Love,  Donna

Donna's 2004 notes about Eclipse:

"At the barn, Eclipse decided he wasn’t staying home again today! On our arrival he walked directly to the middle of the aisle; stood at the cross ties and waited to be groomed. I was amazed. He made it very clear we were riding him today!!!. No if ands or buts!! I swear these horses are half human.

Sharon talks to them as if they are her children and they understand what she says. Eclipse certainly let us know how he felt. He was sweet and calm and kept closing his eyes while I brushed him. What an absolute darling pony. He really enjoys being fussed over and talked to. I love the way he peeps over his stall rope and bangs the rubber mat thing at the front of the rope to let you know he’s there. "

Sept.6, 2007; Sharon's reply:  
OMG! LOL!!! It's my turn!" Now you've got me spilling tears on my keyboard! That was so typical of Eclipse.. Those were the little things he did that touched me deep in my heart forever! He's in heaven with "Wulffe"  now and his girlfriend "Peanut Butter and Jelly" aka "PJ".

When eclipse cut his eye Jacob spent the entire day there. Taking naps on the air bed so Eclipse could have the medicine put in his eye 6x a day. That's a lot!!
I haven't told Jacob yet of Eclipse's passing. Hard to believe, but I'm still not ready.

As for $$, thank you for your offer. I've written the people who were responsible for the
accident requesting reimbursement for the vet bills. It was expensive. But, since Eclipse would pass away some day,  I'll cover having his body removed. Sad! So sad!  He was so special and so unique...
So easy to communicate with that he spoils you. I mean, Shetan communicates but nothing like Eclipse. Eclipse had a heart of Gold and thought about your feelings first. He's a hard act to follow.



Updated: 22-Nov-2011