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All girls show: 4 kittens

The following text was written by Janet Dreseck of PAWs Rescue:
A PAW volunteer got a call about a momma cat and some kittens that had showed up at a barn. The mother cat was wild, but the kittens were very young and easily tamable. The woman who spotted the kittens, Sharon, started handling them and petting them when they first showed up, so they were accustomed to humans from a very young age. But if we didn't do something pretty quick, they would become shy and elusive. They were also vulnerable to all kinds of mishaps out there in the woods. And of course we didn't want to leave momma cat out there to keep having more babies. There are already more cats in the world than there are homes for, and we wanted to stop this cat from contributing to the overpopulation tragedy.

So one of our PAW volunteers went out to the farm with a trap, and she and Sharon started rounding up kittens. Momma cat went into the trap nicely, and three of the kittens were easily caught. But the fourth one was scared by the ruckus and hid and laid low until the volunteer had to leave. So the three captured kittens and their mother went off to the vet hospital to be tested and checked out. Sharon stayed at the barn with a borrowed trap, determined to catch the last kitten if she had to stay there all weekend. It was terrible to think the baby was out there all alone, with no sisters or mother. She hid all that day, and most of the next day. Sharon caught glimpses of her,  and was almost able to grab her at one point. But by this time the kitten was pretty freaked out, and she was staying well away from her former playmate. But finally she went into the trap. What a relief it was for Sharon to see it spring shut and know that the last baby was finally safe. Sharon rushed her to the vet hospital to be reunited with her family, and a happy reunion it was.

While they were living at the barn, Bobbi Sox had a close encounter with Rockin' Rita,  one of the horses boarding there. If you look closely at the picture of the two of them together, you will see an expression of pure astonishment on Bobbi Sox's face. It's understandable: Bobbi Sox weighed less than 2 pounds, and Rockin' Rita tips the scale at 1100 pounds, give or take a few.

Rockin' Rita was so smitten with the kittens that she didn't want to eat in her stall. She insisted on staying in the aisle and reaching over the stall door to grab mouthfuls of food while she continued to enjoy the antics of the little orange fluff balls. Even the horses can't resist these kittens, so why fight it?


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