Took my 1st break from work in months last weekend. Invited a few friends to the barn and we rode for hours and hours. Heaven on earth!

The day was sunny, warm, in the 70’s. A delicious taste of what was to come. It was beautiful. Made you feel great to be alive!  The horses were so happy to see me. Everyone behaved like angels! They enjoyed the ride so much no one wanted to return, so after we untacked, I let them graze outside the barn near the entrance.

After my friends left I went inside the barn & started cleaning stalls.

Well, that was unacceptable to the horses {especially after not spending a lot of time together for a while}.  They didn't hesitate to let me know it too!!!

So long as I was within eyesight of the horses they were happy campers; content, calm and peaceful!  10 minutes after I went in the barn they were gone! 

I mean POOF, here one minute, gone the next.  They really TOOK OFF! First Trotting then easing into a controlled canter ! I couldn't’t believe my eyes! They never did this before. SOB’s!! he he

I raced thru the barn aisle to the back & watched in shock as they were trotting away, the whole time, I'm thinking: “Oh they’re just pulling my leg to get my attention” 

As they passed the back of the barn {on the OTHER side of the fence; the WRONG side!} I start talking to them. They turned their heads, looked straight at me, but kept on trotting; heads held high. They were having a ball!!! They continued trotting all the way down the hill along the fence line in front of Hugh’s house. Where the fence turned to the left, they turned to the left; following the fence line, ON THE WRONG SIDE of the fence! EEKS!

Now all 3 Shetan, RockinRita & Eclipse were galloping with gusto,  {Wulffe stood next to me in the barn as we watched together}. I don't know what he thought, but I still couldn't believe my eyes! They'd never pulled anything like this before.

Now they’re gaining speed heading toward the woods. In the woods, there's a little bridge that crosses the creek & takes them into a wide open field with a clear shot to River Road! The highway! OH SH*T!!!!!

No way could I catch them in time before they’d hit the road.  I was no longer in control & What was I going to do?  For a moment I felt real fear.  So I gave my oldest & loudest Tarzan yell! The one that comes straight from my toes! ShheTTAAAAAAAAAAaaaannnn!!!!!

Like Magic, the 3 of them, in perfect unison, spun 'round, mid stride, and galloped straight back along the fence toward the barn. It was mesmerizing! It took my breath away.   Of course, there was no one there to see this but me.  You know No one is ever going to believe me!  LOL! {Oh, How I Wish I had a video}

What a sight! My heart was beating so fast I could hardly breathe, but, I was enjoying the sight nonetheless. They were magnificent! Imagine synchronized swimming! That's how in sync they were! As if they'd rehearsed it! 

Have you ever seen the animated movie “Spirit”? It’s a close example of how horses play with each other.  At least, that's what I think.

When they passed around the barn and reached the front Shetan started bucking and twirling his head.   He felt GREAT!!!  Shetan’s little stunt worked! AND He knew it! 

The “KING” was once again in charge!  ATTN: Elvis has just entered the building!!!

I couldn't get over just how LOUD & CLEAR the message.  They insisted I spend time with them and enjoy the moment. I didn't have to be asked twice.  Immediately I stopped cleaning, put the tools away & joined them on the grass, laying near where they grazed.

One at a time, each horse walked over & nuzzled my hair. First Eclipse ("Mr. Heart of Gold"), then RockinRita and last but not least, the King himself: Shetan!  Guess it was their way of saying “Aww, We were only playing but, Glad you're here; You know we Love You!” 

I stayed there relaxing in the grass for over an hour.  Everything remained peaceful, quiet & all I could think was "NO BODY is ever going to believe this!"   Guess we all need a reminder now & again to take time for themselves to relax completely & smell the flowers, in my case the grass!  Gosh, its so easy to get caught up with work and/or taking care of loved ones we forget about taking care of our own balance.

The horses were so happy & so was I. For the first time in a long time I was actually relaxing; resting in the grass, doing & thinking about absolutely nothing except what a beautiful day it was and how sweet the fresh grass smelled.   A delightful surprise and a definite Win-Win.

These animals may look like horses to everyone else, but, to me, they are truly incredibly big dogs!  Maybe Angels from Heaven!  Who knows!  But, they are so perceptive & so cute!

Updated: 21-Jan-2011